Board Certified Specialist Consultations & Orthopedic Surgeries
Our skilled veterinarians and veterinary technicians offer a wide range of services, from simple to complex procedures. Although we can take care of most of your pet’s medical and surgical needs on-site, we occasionally refer patients to veterinary specialists or specialized clinics when more sophisticated training or tools are necessary.
Pet Board-Certified Specialist Consultations
Oncologists, ophthalmologists, and neurologists are a few examples of board-certified specialists that have considerable study and expertise in a particular branch of veterinary medicine or surgery. Specialty clinics and referral facilities linked with universities are equipped with specialist tools to carry out procedures that normal veterinary practitioners do not frequently conduct.
Rest assured that we continue to be active in your pet’s care even after we transfer them to another hospital. We speak with the treating physician and can frequently provide any necessary follow-up care and rehabilitation.
Pet Orthopedic & Cruciate Repair Surgeries
Orthopedic surgery involves the repair of your pet’s bones or joints. A recommendation from your main veterinarian is preferred but not necessary for orthopedic consultations. Orthopedic surgery generally aims to return your pet’s limb to normal or nearly normal function.
If your pet is having trouble walking or bearing weight on one of their legs or appears to be sleeping in positions that are not typical for them, they may be suffering from a cruciate ligament injury or rupture. Trauma, most typically a twisting injury or ligament degeneration, can cause the cruciate ligament to become injured. This frequently happens when your pet exercises or quickly changes its course. Depending on the severity of a cruciate rupture and your pet’s weight, numerous techniques can be used to stabilize their knee joint and resolve the issue.
Family Pet Clinic maintains a good working relationship with a board-certified orthopedics surgeon who will come into the clinic and perform surgeries on-site, including TibialPlateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) and Medial Patellar Luxation (MPL) surgeries.
If you are wondering if your pet may be in need of a specialized service or orthopedics surgery, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 262-253-2255 or email us at